Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Doa Untuk Anakku

Ya Allah, jadikanlah anakku
Seorang yang cukup kuat mengetahui kelemahan dirinya
Berani menghadapi kala ia takut
Bangga dan tidak runduk dalam kekalahan yang tulus
Serta rendah hati dan penyantun dalam kemenangan

Ya Allah, jadikanlah anakku
Seorang yang tahu akan adanya Engkau
Dan mengenal dirinya sebagai dasar segala pengetahuan

Ya Allah, bimbinglah dia
Jika bukan di jalan yang mudah
Jika di jalan yang penuh desakan
Penuh tantangan dan kesukaran
Ajarilah dia agar ia sanggup berdiri teguh di tengah badai
Dan belajar mengasihi mereka yang tidak berhasil

Ya Allah, jadikanlah anakku
Seorang yang berhati suci, bercita-cita luhur
Sanggup memerintah dirinya sebelum memimpin orang lain
Mengejar masa depan tanpa melupakan masa lalu

Sesudah semuanya membentuk dirinya
Aku mohon, ya Allah, rahmatilah ia dengan rasa humor
Sehingga sungguh-sungguh tapi tak berlebihan
Berilah ia kerendahan hati, kesederhanaan dan kesabaran

Setelah semua ini, ya Allah
Dari kekuatan dan keagunganMu itu
Jika telah demikian, ya Allah
Beranilah aku berkata
' Tak sia sia aku hidup sebagai Ibu dan Bapaknya '
|| siempunya, 1:32 PM || link || (1) comments |

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Allah Maha Segalanya....

Beberapa hal yang dapat mendorongmu untuk tetap bertahan!

Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia....
Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha.

Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih...
Allah SWT sudah menghitung airmatamu.

Jika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu serasa berlalu begitu saja...
Allah SWT sedang menunggu bersama denganmu.

Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelepon.
Allah SWT selalu berada di sampingmu.

Ketika kau pikir bahwa kau sudah mencoba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi....
Allah SWT punya jawabannya.

Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan...
Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu

Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan...
Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu.

Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan merasa ingin mengucap syukur...
Allah SWT telah memberimu rahmat.

Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban...
Allah SWT telah tersenyum padamu.

Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi...
Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu.

Ingat bahwa dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap....
|| siempunya, 3:13 PM || link || (0) comments |

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm Too Busy

Everyday as I wake up not at dawn
My mind start working the moment I yawn
There were many things to do, O dear!

That's why I left behind my Subuh prayer
I didn't have the time to sit longer to praise Allah S.W.T.
To me rushing out after prayer is nothing odd...

Since work, I had been busy every minute
Completing my jobs
No time did I have to Allah to pray
Too many things to do and zikir is rare
For Allah, I really had no time to spare..

Working all day to secure my future
When I reached home, I preferred to watch TV and sleep
I chat with computer and I didn't read the Quran
I spent too much time surfing the Internet

Sad to say, my faith was falling flat...
The only time I have left is weekends
During which I prefer having fun ...
I couldn't spare time to go to the mosque
I'm too busy, that's the BIG EXCUSE...

I did my five prayers but did so quickly
After prayer, I didn't sit longer to reflect quietly
I didn't have time to help the needy ones
I was loaded with work as my precious time runs
No time at all to visit a sick Muslim friend
To orphans and elderly, I hardly lent a hand

I'm too busy, forget the community
When there were gatherings, I did'nt help
My life was already full of stress
So I didn't counsel a Muslim in distress

I didn't spend much time with my family
For I thought, doing so is a waste of time...
No time to share with fellow Muslim about halal and haram
No time to do Sunnah prayers at all
All these contribute to my iman is fall..

I'm busy here and busy there
I've no time at all, that's all I care
I went for religious lessons, just once in a while
For I'm too busy making a pile...

I worked all day and I slept all night
Too tired for Tahajjud and it seemed not right
To me, earning a living was already tough
So I only did basic deeds but that's not enough..
No time at all, to admire Allah's creation
No time to praise Allah and seek Allah Compassion
Although I know how short is my life
For Islam, I really didn't strive...

Finally the day comes, when Allah calls for me
And I stood before Allah with my Life's History
I feel so guilty because I should have prayed more
Isn't that what a Muslim lives for?
To thank Allah and do more good deeds
And the Quran is for us all to read..

Now at Judgment Day, I'm starting to fret
I've wasted my life but it's too late to regret
My entry to Paradise depend on my good behavior
But I've not done enough nor did proper prayer
My "good deed book" is given from my right
An angel opened my "book" and read out my plight.
Then the angel chided me....

"O You Muslim servant, you are the one,
Who is given enough time, yet not much is done
Do you know that your faith is loose? saying "no time" is only an excuse.
Your "good deed book" should be filled up more with all the good work you stood up for.."
|| siempunya, 5:40 PM || link || (0) comments |